Sprint Rituals

The following regular meetings and Sprint functions are performed by domain teams at intelliHR.




Quick update of what happened since last stand-up, current tasks and any blockers for today. Some teams will review all open tickets, where some will only review each team members current task.

Who is required

  • Everyone in domain team

Who is optional

  • CTO
  • Engineering Manager
  • Product Owner/Manager
  • QA
  • UX team


10-15 minutes.




One representative from each team declares completed work and upcoming work for each team since the last SoS, plus any blockers. Department announcements are also issued at this meeting.

Who is required

  • Everyone in engineering department

Who is optional

  • Account Management
  • Customer Success
  • Partners team representatives


10-15 minutes.

When in Sprint


Sprint Retrospectives


Evaluate the Sprint that is about to, or has recently, closed. Determine what was successful or unsuccessful, and raise actions to address both. Allow team members to air concerns and share encouragement. This is a session internal to the team and for their own benefit only.

More information on Sprint Retrospectives.

Who is required

  • All domain team members

Who is optional

  • CTO
  • Engineering Manager


45-60 minutes.

When in Sprint

Before end of Sprint, or shortly after completion of Sprint.

Sprint Planning


Define the body of work that will compose the next Sprint, and its goals. Team is the key stakeholder of this meeting, it is for their benefit. It is not for roadmap shaping (see Shaping Sessions), nor backlog grooming (see Backlog Grooming).

More information on drafting Sprint Goals.

Who is required

  • All team members
  • Product Manager/Product Owner
  • UX Team Representative

Who is optional

  • CTO
  • Engineering Manager


60 minutes.

When in Sprint

Before Sprint starts.

Sprint Review


Declare success/fail of each Sprint goals and present goals of next Sprint. Sprint deliverables demonstrated if possible.

Who is required

  • Iteration Manager
  • Senior
  • Product Manager/Product Owner
  • UX

Who is optional

  • CTO
  • Engineering Manager


10-15 minutes.

When in Sprint

After Sprint finishes.

Backlog and product feedback grooming


Senior team engineer and iteration manager meet to triage product feedback and prioritise product backlog items.

Who is required

  • Iteration Manager
  • Senior

Who is optional

  • CTO
  • Engineering Manager
  • Other team members
  • Product Manager/Product Owner
  • Subject Matter Experts


60+ minutes.

When in Sprint


Out-of-Sprint common rituals

Shaping sessions (roadmap or broad-level)


High-level overview of effort required for roadmap items and facilitate the product team in making priority decisions.

Who is required

  • Iteration Manager
  • Product Manager/Product Owner
  • Senior
  • Subject Matter Experts
  • UX team representative

Who is optional

  • CTO
  • Engineering Manager


As long as required. May need to be run across multiple meetings.

When in Sprint


Feature Alignments


Gather as a team, and invite stakeholders, to review a roadmap item (epic) and finalise a set of acceptance criteria that accurately reflects all the new features and enhancements required to meet the item’s objectives. This session often involves additional scope (MVP) discussion in finer detail than was relevant in shaping sessions. These sessions should be recorded and made available to any stakeholders that can be present.

Who is required

  • Iteration Manager
  • Senior
  • Other team members
  • Context-dependant stakeholders (CS, product team)

Who is optional

  • CTO
  • Engineering Manager
  • UX team representative (as required by Domain Team)


Usually 1 hour, but if requirements are not clear enough additional sessions might be required.

When in Sprint


Technical Breakdowns


Breakdown roadmap commitments into epics, issues, dependencies, and blockers with a focus on incremental delivery.

Who is required

  • Iteration Manager
  • Senior
  • Other team members

Who is optional

  • CTO
  • Engineering Manager
  • Product Manager/Product Owner
  • UX team representative (as required by Domain Team)


As long as required. May need to be split across multiple meetings.

When in Sprint


Checkup Sessions


Review the new features and enhancements produced by the team with stakeholders to discover any bugs, fully demonstrate behaviour and to identify future work. These sessions should be recorded and made available to the wider company.

Who is required

  • Iteration Manager
  • Senior
  • Other team members

Who is optional

  • CTO
  • Engineering Manager
  • Product Manager/Product Owner
  • UX team representative (as required by Domain Team)


As long as required. May need to be split across multiple meetings.

When in Sprint
